Drawing for the body of the tram Citadis 302

Festival Echappées d’art
2024 Angers, France
Les villes invisibles (the invisible cities)

A drawing that moves around the city. The one you wait for, run after, sit into. Which opens and closes. That accelerates, slows down, makes a stop, takes you out, brings you home.

Manifesto curated this year edition of the Echappées d'art festival in Angers and reached out to imagine the decoration of the tram Citadis 302.

Inspired by the observations recorded during my stay in the city, the history hidden in its streets and museum collections, the exchanges with the inhabitants and a phone call with a tram driver, several portraits of the city emerged.

I started drawing having in mind a short, textless comic, with no beginning nor end, with eventually some moving parts (in correspondance of the opening and closing of the tram doors). It told the story of a landscape, imaginary or not, as the one the tram crosses many times during the day, from one end of the city to the other, with no possible deviation, as in a loop.

In the middle of the vehicle, a moon faced caracther holds a sun mask.
Day and night go by as on a merry go round, a child is born, another gets lost.

The central caracther has a moon face holding a sun mask, symbolizing the passage of time over the landscape.
Rinding a horse on a side and a swan on the other, as on a merry-go-round, empazising the loop which the tram covers over and over.

The landscape wraps the vehicule, portraying the city of Angers from the suburbs to the city center.
It animates with the opening and closing of the doors which - at every stop - adds a dynamism to every scene.

© Giada Ganassin - 2024